A Bone Spur in Your Neck Can Cause Two Sets of Symptoms

Neck painIf your doctor tells you that you have bone spur in your neck, or cervical region of your spine, this condition has likely been caused by the onset of osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative condition, also called wear-and-tear arthritis, that should not be confused with rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory autoimmune disease. Spinal osteoarthritis develops in people as they age and as the cartilage surrounding the vertebral facet joints begins to deteriorate. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms of stiffness, joint instability, spontaneous joint lockage, and bone-on-bone friction. Read more

Epidural for Neck Pain Safer Using Ultrasound

epdiural neck injections using ultrasound

Epidural neck injections appear safer using ultrasound to avoid nerve or blood vessel injury.

Epidural steroid injections for neck pain are not always a preferred treatment as there are concerns about accidental damage to the complex structures in the cervical spine. Lumbar epidural steroid injections are more common for pain relief however and are also often used to determine the exact site of nerve irritation prior to back surgery. Recent research suggests that ultrasound guidance can reduce the risks associated with epidural steroid injections in the cervical spine and so many neck pain sufferers may now consider this a viable treatment option. Read more

Reirradition for Head and Neck Cancer

neck cancer hpvA new set of guidelines published by the American College of Radiology suggest that reirradiation for head and neck cancer is the only potential cure for cancer cases where further surgery is not an option. Head and neck cancer usually begins in the squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces in the head and neck and are normally associated with smoking or chewing tobacco, and alcohol consumptions. Initial neck cancer symptoms and signs include a lump in the neck, or a sore in the mouth or nose that does not heal, a chronic sore throat, huskiness or other persistent change in the voice, and problems swallowing. Not all symptoms arise in all cases however and patients should get any potential metastatic squamous neck cancer symptoms investigated straight away. Read more

Neck Pain and Dizziness

neck pain dizziness vertigoNeck pain and dizziness are often connected although many people simply consider themselves to be clumsy, to suffer lightheadedness, or have a poor sense of balance. Cervicogenic dizziness may also be associated with headaches and nausea and can be suggestive of pinched nerves in the neck, cervical spinal stenosis, or even infection. Dizziness with neck pain may be fleeting and mild, with patients realizing that sudden neck movements or certain positions bring about the dizzy spells and neck pain. In other cases the pain can be severe and the dizziness extremely debilitating as it may induce considerable fear of falling, disabling nausea, and/or loss of motor skills. Where a patient has neck pain and feels off balance they may be described as having cervical vertigo and have often experienced some kind of trauma to the neck, such as whiplash or a previous fall. Read more

Bone Spurs in the Neck

Bone Spurs in NeckBone spurs in the neck (osteophytes) are bony growths that can be responsible for neck pain and back pain.  These bone spurs may occur following a fracture of the vertebrae, due to rheumatoid arthritis, ligament degeneration, whiplash, or through general wear and tear resulting in spondylitis.  Read more

Facet Disease in the Neck

Facet Disease in the Neck

Facet joints are located at the back of the spine

What is Facet Disease in the Neck?

The cervical facet joints are synovial joints in the back of the spine that are contained within a fibrous capsule.  Superior and inferior facet joints interact in order to allow the flexibility of the spine and are, therefore, subject to considerable wear and tear over the years through everyday movement, increasing the likelihood of facet disease in the neck.  Although the facet joints themselves do not contain free nerve endings, they are innervated by mechanoreceptors, of which there are more in the cervical spine compared to the lumbar spine.  Read more

Hair Loss from Thyroid Problem

hair loss and neck pain thyroid diseaseHair loss and neck pain might not seem connected but when you consider the role and position of the thyroid gland in the neck it should become more apparent as to why we’re discussing hair loss on a site about neck pain. The thyroid gland is an important part of the anatomy of the neck, and when the thyroid becomes dysfunctional it can cause numerous problems, including hair loss. Where a pain in the neck occurs along with thinning hair, loss of eyebrows, trouble concentrating, and even constipation and fatigue, suspicion should fall on the thyroid gland.
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