Concussion and Cervicalgia Headaches

concussion and cervicalgia headachesMore than 1.7 million people in the US are affected annually by concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), and often concussion and cervicalgia headaches go hand in hand. Around 15% of people with concussion have symptoms that persist for three months or more, and sometimes patients don’t realize that neck and head pain are related to the earlier injury. This is especially true of people who have a minor bump or experience of whiplash on top of earlier head injuries. Read more

Pain in the Front of the Neck – Causes and When to Call for Help

Pain in the Front of the Neck phone when to call for helpThe majority of neck pain is caused by muscle strain and is typically resolved without medical intervention within a few days. However, pain in the front of the neck that persists, or which is severe and acute, can be a sign of a serious health issue that warrants medical attention. Read more

Can Neck Problems Cause Tinnitus?

tinnitus and neck pain problemsTinnitus is typically blamed on listening to loud music or working in a noisy environment (such as construction) without adequate ear protection but for some people tinnitus is a result of neck problems. Now, a group of physicians investigating cervicogenic somatic tinnitus are looking to find out if physical therapy could offer patients with neck-related tinnitus some relief. Read more

Obesity Raises Risk of Persistent Neck Pain from Whiplash

whiplash neck pain obesityIf you’re involved in a car crash and are overweight or obese then your risk of persistent neck pain is higher than for someone who is not overweight, according to a new study presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society (APS).

The results of this study showed that the risk of neck pain lasting at least six months after an accident almost doubles if the person is morbidly obese, so what is it that makes those who are overweight more vulnerable to chronic pain? Read more

Counselling Can Help Whiplash Pain as Much as Physical Therapy

whiplash physical therapy neck painA new study suggests that neck pain from whiplash may be relieved just as well by counselling on how to manage the condition as by physical therapy. The counselling was given in addition to a list of optional exercises and compared to an intensive physical therapy programme in the research carried out in Sydney, Australia. Read more

Cervical Brachial Neuritis – A Rare Cause of Neck and Shoulder Pain

brachial neuritis neck pain shoulder lower than otherParsonage-Turner Syndrome may sound a little like a band from the 1970s but, in fact, this medical condition could be the cause of your ongoing neck and shoulder pain. Also known as brachial neuritis, this syndrome involves inflammation of the brachial plexus that results in acute pain in the shoulder and arm, sometime radiating into the neck and leading to weakness and/or numbness. Read more

Off-Season Neck Exam Could Spell End for Peyton Manning's Career

peyton manning acdf neck injury surgery

Manning left the Colts for the Broncos, returning to form after his 2011 ACDF neck surgery.

Is Peyton Manning’s career drawing to a close? Rumor has it that the Bronco’s quarterback may be forced into retirement depending on the results of a scheduled off-season neck exam.

Having undergone several neck surgeries to address a painful herniated cervical disc, Manning managed to return to form for the Broncos. He’s now waiting to hear if it’s still safe for him to play next season but has he already dropped hints that he’s set to retire? Read more

The Difference Between Neuropathy and Nociceptive Pain (and why it matters)

neuropathic vs nociceptive pain neckNeck pain can have a variety of causes, some more serious than others, and the way that we describe that pain is important for understanding its likely progression and appropriateness of treatments.

We all recognize that the body is a complicated system where the mind can affect pain perception and pain perception can affect the mind. In some cases mind-over-matter really is key to resolving neck pain as both internal mental factors and external environmental factors within our control can have a significant effect on how pain is felt, if at all. Read more

Tension Neck Syndrome – Solutions for Construction Workers

tension neck syndrome trapezius muscle anatomyTension neck syndrome is a pretty common condition that is caused by muscle strain in the upper back. The nature of repetitive work in cramped and uncomfortable postures common to the construction industry mean that tension neck syndrome is particularly prevalent amongst those doing manual labour.

The condition can result in neck stiffness, muscle spasms, and neck pain and/or pain radiating from the cervical spine to the shoulders, head, and even into the arms and chest. This condition is particularly common in those working in the construction industry, but there are ways to reduce the risk of tension neck syndrome in such jobs, with many of these solutions also applying in other areas of life. Read more

Herniated Disc Causes – What You Can Do To Avoid Disc Damage

Herniated Disc CausesOftentimes, a herniated disc causes discomfort that stems from damage to the outer shell of one of the flexible cushions that separate the stacked vertebrae of the spine. Each intervertebral disc has a tough outer covering called an annulus fibrosus, and this outer layer surrounds a soft inner core. The top one-third of the annulus fibrosus has nerve endings, and if there is a tear in the annulus fibrosus, the nerve endings can become irritated and painful. In addition, the tissues of a torn disc can impinge  on a nearby nerve root, resulting in pain, numbness, weakness, or a pins and needles sensation in the extremities. So, you may ask, what causes a disc to tear in the first place? There are actually many factors that can lead to a herniated disc. While some causes, such as improper lifting techniques, are avoidable, others, like simple genetics, are not. Read more