NSAIDs – The True Cause of Headaches and Neck Pain?

headaches and neck pain MOHWhen headaches and neck pain occur together there can be a variety of explanations ranging from concussion after a serious fall, head and neck tumours causing obstructed circulation or nerve activity, stress and muscle tension and even, it seems, overuse of NSAIDs for neck pain leading to medication-related headaches.

Around 1% of the US population is thought to experience medication overuse headaches and while these are more common in those with primary headaches it may be that neck pain is also a trigger. Read more

Neck Pain and Xanax Withdrawal

xanax withdrawal and neck painThere are numerous causes of neck pain but many people don’t realise that withdrawal from medications can be one such trigger. This is particularly true of medications taken to help with anxiety and depression, which can also have the effect of relaxing muscles and desensitising users to pain. Neck pain during Xanax withdrawal is, therefore, a common concern that may be easily overlooked considering the other issues faced by those quitting benzodiazepines. Read more

Thunder God Vine with Methotrexate Better than Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication Alone

thunder god vine rheumatoid arthritis methotrexateA Chinese herb sometimes referred to as ‘take 7 steps and die’ has been found to be as good as methotrexate for treating active rheumatoid arthritis, a potential trigger for neck pain. Also known as thunder god vine and lei gong teng, Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f (or TwHF for short), has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to ease the symptoms of joint pain and inflammation. However, home-brewed concoctions of this herb can prove deadly, leading British medical authorities to issue a safety warning over its use in recent years. Read more

Counselling Can Help Whiplash Pain as Much as Physical Therapy

whiplash physical therapy neck painA new study suggests that neck pain from whiplash may be relieved just as well by counselling on how to manage the condition as by physical therapy. The counselling was given in addition to a list of optional exercises and compared to an intensive physical therapy programme in the research carried out in Sydney, Australia. Read more

Chilli Pepper for Neck Pain – Does it work?

chili pain relief neckWe all know that you can get quite the endorphin rush from eating hot chili peppers but is it true that capsaicinoids, the spicy compounds in chilis, can help relieve pain? Should you throw out those NSAIDs and start using chilis as band aids for neck pain? Read more

How to Avoid Age-Related Neck Pain

neck pain age related postureNeck pain is a common problem for older adults but some simple postural tips could help lower your risk of pain and disability and maintain a high quality of life, whatever your age. By keeping the spine nicely aligned you can reduce wear and tear and keep your back and neck strong and supple so as to lower your susceptibility to injury. So, without further ado.. Read more

Neck Pain Creams and Gels – The Top 4 That Really Work?

neck pain relief creamsAre you trying to relieve your neck pain with expensive creams and gels that amount to nothing more than snake oil? Are there actually any natural pain relief gels available to help with chronic and acute neck pain?

Save yourself from buying ineffective homeopathic placebo products (like Nyloxin), or products that contain so little of the potentially helpful ingredients that they’re probably more placebo than remedy (like MAXX Relief). Read more

Neck Pain – Is it Your Purse's Fault?

neck pain woman's purse chihuahaImagine tucking a small chihuahua under your arm and heading out for drinks, making sure not to drop that pooch as you navigate the subway, sidewalks, and a crowded bar. Imagine doing this every day for the rest of your life and then consider how that might contribute to the development of chronic neck pain. Read more

Fibromyalgia Relief with Resistance Training and Aerobic Exercise

resistance training for fibromyalgia neck pain relief

Examples of resistance training exercises.

Fibromyalgia is just one of many possible causes of neck pain, and relief from pain can be hard to come by for those with this chronic condition. It’s great to hear then that researchers in Saskatchewan, Canada, may have found evidence of a free and easily accessible pain relief option for millions of fibromyalgia sufferers, namely resistance training and aerobic exercise. Read more

Spiritual Approaches to Neck Pain Relief

prayer and neck pain spiritualityChronic neck pain may drive you to blaspheme on occasion but can prayer and other spiritual approaches actually help relieve chronic pain? Some pain management specialists who embrace an integrative approach do connect spirituality and faith with positive outcomes for pain relief, but how does it work in practice? Read more