
What is Cervicothoracic Junction Kyphosis?

cervicothoracic junction deformityUnlike lumbar and thoracic curves, cervicothoracic junction (CTJ) kyphosis, a distinctive and complex cause of neck pain and other symptoms, is not normally associated with scoliosis. Instead, CTJ deformity involves a sagittal imbalance, where the spine takes on abnormal curvature front to back rather than side to side.

Treating CTJ deformity can be difficult and likely involves back and neck surgery to reconstruct the spine in order to restore balance and realign the neck and head. Read more

Identifying Herniated Disc Symptoms to Help Get a Diagnosis

Herniated disc symptomsIdentifying herniated disc symptoms can be difficult, as they can be quite similar to the symptoms associated with other spine conditions. Your primary care physician or a spine specialist are the only ones qualified to properly diagnose a herniated disc, but just because you’re experiencing lower back pain doesn’t mean he or she will automatically assume that you have a herniated disc. Physical exams and tests come first. Read more